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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/02/2015
Date:           December 2, 2015
Attendees:      Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Candi Fowler, and Janet Lutkus

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.

The following items were addressed:
  • Paul Renaud and Greenfield’s OpenSpace Subdivision ordinance – Report from Carol.
  • Paul is not able to attend tonight’s meeting to provide the commission with an update. He would like representation from Conservation Commission at Planning Board meeting on January 11 at 7pm. Conrad committed to attending.
  • If Carol can get more information in advance of the meeting, she will send it to Conrad.
  • Update: Sunset Lake and the Phragmite eradication Report from Carol.
  • Carol received email saying all the chemical residue is out of lake and treatment was successful.
  • Once the lake freezes over, on a windless day, the Phragmite vegetation will be cut back, removed from the ice, and burned.
  • Another chemical treatment will be required in September and another the following year. (A total of 3 chemical treatments are required.)
  • Carol suspects the residents will return to the Conservation Commission for funding for the additional treatments.
  • The funding will continue to be a cooperative venture. Carol proposed putting a line item in the budget for controlling invasives, given the requests the commission has gotten over the past years. The other commission members were in agreement with Carol.
  • Update: RFP for Buckthorn eradication − Report from Carol.
  • Neal has not made much progress but expects to have a draft by January for review by the commission members.
  • Carol took a walk of Ray’s property over the Thanksgiving holiday. The Boy Scouts have built a viewing dock over the pond. The camping area is all cleaned up. There is now a sturdy platform for tents. There is also a kiosk at the entrance.
  • In the spring, Ray thought it would be a good idea to sponsor a walk on the property. Karen suggested the commission make it a birding event held in the morning. Conrad suggested scheduling it for the Sunday of the Roadside Roundup weekend.
  • Update: Kinder Morgan Pipeline – Report from Carol
  • On Friday, December 11 at 10:30 am, a rally will be held in Concord where the 10,000 signatures of people opposed to pipeline will be delivered to the governor.
  • Annie Kuster has come out with a detailed letter dated today detailing why she is against the pipeline.  Carol is forwarding this letter to Commission members.
  • Budget Discussion Carol and commission members.
  • Commission discussed the budget and whether or not to add $500 for invasive removal.
  • Commission discussed increasing budget line for programs to $300.
The meeting officially adjourned at 8:37 PM. The next meeting is January 27, 2016 at 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus.